We’re spotlighting key occasions for each month that you can market around to boost consumer appeal throughout the year.
If you’re ready to make a New Year’s resolution to build on your success from the previous year, Affinity Group is here to help you construct a winning plan with an entire calendar of limited-time offer promo ideas that will be certain to keep you busy building your Bridge to Success all year long.
Whether you’re looking to increase customer traffic or simply generate more profits, the “limited time offer” or LTO for short is a great way to do both. From ideas for catering to the fans of all the big bowl games in early January and February to refreshing, thirst quenching solutions to get your customers through the dog days of summer, to holiday themed delights, Affinity Group has you covered.
All in all, LTOs can be an effective marketing strategy to boost foot traffic, increase sales, and allow you to test out a new menu item on a short-term basis. Using our LTO Promo Planner will help you to get a head start in 2023.