Lobster Roll Deviled Eggs​

 4 oz Lobster Salad SensationsConnect with us to receive more info on this product
 6 Eggs​
 ¼ cup Mayo​
 1 tsp White Vinegar​
 1 tsp Yellow Mustard ​
 1 pkg Fresh Baby Arugula​
 12 Crostini’s​
 Salt/Pepper to taste​


Place eggs in single layer sauce pan, fill with water. Heat on high until water begins to boil, remove from heat, cover and let sit for 14 mins. Rinse cooked eggs under cold water until fully chilled​.


Peel cooked eggs. Slice eggs in half lengthwise, remove yolks and place in bowl.


Mash yolks into fine crumbles, mix in mayo, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper​.


Evenly disperse yolk mixture into egg white​.


Place eggs on a bed of arugula, garnish with crostini​.


Top the eggs with Lobster Salad Sensations​.